Grow in Awareness
in English or French
Connect with yourself
Connect with the strength of your heart
Connect with those you encounter
As you learn skills
As you empower yourself
and those around you
in Consciousness
Ten hour workshops
Individual or group of no more than 6 persons
Presential or ONLINE
Conscious Leadership

Raise your awareness and grow as a leader, leveraging your strengths. Find out whether you are more of a transactional, situational or transformational leader and learn to apply each to address the motivation and needs of your team members. Help them grow along with you with trained coaching skills.
A conscious leader is more than a leader.
Feminine Leadership

As a leader, are you being true to yourself or are you acting out a masculine model ?
Learn how you can contribute to making your role
unique from your personal characteristics and strengths so that you stay healthy and happy.
Enhance your ancestral feminine skills of creating a nourishing work environment so that your team can perform efficiently respecting natural cycles and increasing their well being.
Agile Team Leadership

Make your team Agile. Agile allows you to obtain consensus and draw the best from the cognitive diversity on your teams when conducting the projects that matter to them. A great tool for team coherence and motivation allowing immediate adaptability to our current VUCA conditions.

Connect with your audience emotionally. Even if you are presenting data, it is your story that matters and how you deliver it with your energy, your body language and your voice.

Negotiating is creating a bridge, listening to your counterpart, expanding the pie to find a win-win and using the right language with the right body language and voice tone to create the connection. Above all, showing respect and reaching agreements if you can't keep your commitments.

What are your needs and how do you listen to your counterpart's ? How do you express these needs with assertiveness with no harm to your counterpart ? What is your preferred communication style and how do you deal with other communication styles ? Take your communication to the next level.
Active / deep listening & conflict resolution

When misunderstanding or conflict is pulling us apart, the key is to listen. Learn how to breathe, de-stress, reduce the distress and deeply relax so that you hear your counterpart's needs. Learn how to practice deep listening and explore new solutions. You can both satisfy your needs using the principles of Rosenberg non-violent communication and bridge the gap.