Take your TEAM to the place where they can DREAM
and grow in conscious leadership
By permission
DNA Coaching
Get your managers team onboard
Did you know that your Company DNA is the steering force of all your activities ?​
What are the main characteristics - the genes - of your Company DNA ?
Through systemic coaching and the exploration of your company's particular and unique history, you will :-
- define your Company DNA
- devise ways to activate your Company DNA genes
- define ways to deactivate what is not your Company DNA and which is creating the burden
- design your Brand Image
When your managers' team is onboard
and the communication FLOWING
You are all aligned on the company's mission
and it will take you much less energy, resources and money to achieve your objectives.
VAlUES Coaching
When your managers team is onboard,
your company will be onboard
Did you know that displaying
and committing to your values
cements your company together
and fosters loyalty ?
Through team building exercises
with your managers
or with your company
define your values
so that you will be guided by this compass
to your objectives, avoiding errors.
Design how they will become manifest
in the daily activities of your company