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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

This is Us.

But without all of you we have been meeting throughout,

this would not be possible.

We look for our resources in our Nature and in Nature

Our Story and Why

We co-founded a language school 30 years ago where we researched into the use of the right hemisphere and emotional connection in language teaching to speed the assimilation of the newly acquired language. This was the beginning of years of research into how we are wired as human beings with an innate instinct and clear potential for growth, into how our many paths in life whether personal or professional and encounters with others in groups, teams or organisations hold the seeds for our own inner fulfilment. However it is necessary to actively trigger, embrace and maintain robust processes of change to move forward and not relapse into ancient beliefs and patterns of behaviour.


To do so, our approach is three-fold : Awareness - Connection - Action and our very wide range of tools takes care of all three aspects. 


Awareness occurs spontaneously but may also happen in the conscious practice of numerous activities, namely meditation, mindfulness or creative art. We ourselves have practised awareness through zen meditation and dream exploration since our youth and have experienced other more active forms of meditation in Nature such as shepherding or organic farming. However, being accompanied by an external observer or using a projective tool may reveal our real needs and true purpose in any situation. It is a way of connecting the dots. 


Connection is an attitude for facing internal and external sources of stimuli or information. It is a feminine energy present in men and women, which doesn’t seek to eradicate, supplant or control the stimulus but rather acknowledges it and finds the way to bridge with it in a natural way, using the unconscious and subconscious. What is it bringing us ? What needs of ours are being catered ? How can we use it for improvement ? Connection is an intrinsic part of our wisdom as it takes into account the whole. It is based on communication. We can improve our connection within ourselves as an inner process of self-empowerment and with others and our natural environment in a process of collaboration.  Connection is a sustaining energy. It helps us ground ourselves and ensure robust processes of change and growth. 


The more conscious and connected, the wiser the actions we devise, taking into consideration all our needs (mental, emotional and physical) and those of the others and those of the environment we need around us. Being conscious and connected allows us to engage in balanced and holistic actions fostering health, resilience and happiness. And without discerned actions, there is no change.

What and How

The meaning

Looking for the underlying meaning and purpose in whatever we do, individually or as an organization or team endows all our actions with coherence and ease.  The meaning allows us to get rid of the superfluous and connect with our purpose to reach our aim. 


For Teams and organisations :

When you are connected to your purpose, what you and you alone can bring, the driving force behind everything you do is unstoppable. And everything fits in like pieces of a puzzle - connected and in coherence - increasing productivity and impact. Therefore, we help you define the meaning underlying your activities and revisit your processes around your purpose. For more agile processes and smarter organization of data are there to serve the purpose and not the other way round. And rational thinking may corroborate insight and intuition and not the other way round. 


What happens in a team can likewise be extrapolated to an organization. When your people, departments and processes are infused with the same meaning, you are all on the same page, communication flows, relationships flourish, motivation rises, focus increases and waste is reduced. Knowing the sustaining force of your purpose, looking into your DNA, mission, vision, values acts as a common steering force and allows all of you to be conscious of where you have to go and the decisions you have to make to avoid costly mistakes and progress with ease and less stress. And by becoming the conscious artisans of the mental, emotional and physical health of the department or the company, your team will create the environment  where all - team members and non-team members, employees and stakeholders - can contribute more too. The more they grow, the more you'll grow. We also help you to do that. 


For Individuals :

Connecting to our inner purpose is our path for balance, health and growth. We believe mis-ease or dis-ease can be addressed first in the simplest and most natural way INSIDE OUT, by gaining consciousness and becoming aware. Only after, OUTSIDE IN, learning from others to create your own solutions to balance mind - heart - body - soul, your different centres of energy, keep you healthy and on your path of growth. 


We accompany you in coaching / therapy naturally, one step at a time according to your inner wisdom, finding first your inner resources in natural ways and with potent tools, connecting with the potentialities which will empower you over your life and letting go of the parts which are not serving you anymore, connecting with others and your natural environment ... as Connection breeds Health. We see it as stepping out of a state of confinement in a small room and discovering the many amazing places of your house. 


Language Skills : 

To connect with your English and French speaking partners, we also teach these languages in a natural way by following how we learn our mother tongue connecting and communicating with others about things that matter to us and following how we are wired to learn. We also offer you training in a wide range of personal abilities whilst improving your language skills. 

Meet Us


Since a very young age, I have searched for meaning and purpose in life. It therefore made complete sense for me to study psychology, to set on an inner quest with dream therapy and become absolutely enthralled by the study of the evolution of the human mind and being. I therefore started practising as a psychologist.

Alongside, I have to some extent kept my early years' career in teaching languages though in a different form as I love it and it helps me balance the seriousness of my work with the human psyche. 



I have built my expertise in teaching French with sophropedagogy based on Dr Lozanov's research in neuropsychophysiology and his suggestopedia method.


I am trained in dream interpretation, coaching, team systemic coaching, Belbin Team Roles, Lean, the Enneagram and Mediation with Non Violent Communication.


When I am not working or looking after my two kids who have been real teachers for me, I love singing.


Brigitte Zeenat Nazroo


Most of all, I am motivated by the connection I build with my students, aged from 3 onwards ! Turning the French class into a moment of enjoyment, relaxation and pleasure ! I teach with fun and my students learn proactively and fearlessly. I am profoundly dedicated to providing the service they need. I love everything I do and I am totally present to what I am doing. 


When I am not teaching or spending time with my family, I am rehearsing with my poprock band.


Thibault Olivier Lenglez

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